
Training recall with dogs: Come doggie, come!

You are taking a walk in the fresh air in the forest, your dog is free to run and enjoys sniffing and exploring the environment. Suddenly, game or a jogger appears in front of you, you call your curious four-legged friend and he comes running. Perfect - that's how it should be!

With the right recall training, this situation doesn't just remain a wish! We'll show you how to master this important aspect of dog training so that fear-free and relaxed walks with free running are part of your everyday life.

Safe recall for dogs: 5 tips for your recall training-Deluxe

A good recall gives you composure and your pet freedom. The aim of recall is to avoid dangerous situations between your four-legged friend and other dogs or people. Our 5 tips will make your dog's recall training easier:

1. Without distraction:

You can do the first recall training exercises in your home or fenced garden. At home you can be sure that nothing can go wrong and that your curious pet will not be distracted.

2. Signal:

Think of a recall signal. The recall can be a word or you can use a dog whistle. If you use your voice, a recall word that does not stand for any other command in your training is suitable. It should be easy to pronounce, for example:

  • “Here!”
  • “Come here!”
  • “To me!” or even words like
  • “Lotto!” and
  • “Pronto!”

3. Positive reinforcement:

Positive reinforcement is important in recall training, after all the training should be fun for you and your furry friend. So you can bubble over with joy and give your fluffy companion a reward as soon as he moves in your direction. You'll see, he'll love to come back to you!

4. Body language:

To be successful with the recall, it is important to pay attention to your body language. Your recalled pet can tell from your body posture whether he should approach or continue sniffing: If you stand in front of him or bend over in front, this is a signal for your dog to move away or to approach cautiously. If you stand sideways to him or move backwards, this shows him that he should come to you.

5. Variety:

You should not only call your furry darling when it is necessary. If he is leashed every time he comes to you, he will quickly know that the sniffing fun is over with the recall. It can happen that the recall works less and less often because your pet would rather enjoy his freedom. Therefore, you can call him without a reason and release him immediately after the reward or play great games or do exercises with him. You will notice that your success rate will increase and your pet will love to come to you because it is so exciting with you.

Recall training for dogs: this is how you proceed

From stray to recall pro: Once you have our 5 tips for perfect recall training in mind, you can start practising - this is how you proceed step by step if you want to train recall:

  1. At home: You can start your training in your home by using your chosen recall signal when you are both in the same room. When your pet comes towards you, cheer happily and reward him with a treat when he arrives. If he does well, you can call him when you are in another room. When he comes to you, you should also give him a treat. Repeat these exercises at home until your fluffy four-legged friend has mastered them well in the home. Only then go on to the next step.
  2. Tracking leash: You can use a drag line for the first exercises on your walks. It gives you security, because you can pull your pelt nose towards you if it doesn't hear so well yet and something unexpected happens. If you are walking in an environment with few distractions, you can simply drop the lead and your dog can pull it behind you.
  3. Radius: If you have been training for a few weeks and the recall works well, you can train off-leash. Make sure that the distance to your explorer is not too great. He should only move within a radius in which he can still hear you well. When he has reached the end of this range, you should call him with your signal word or use your whistle. Your fluffy companion will memorise this radius.
  4. Praise: If your four-legged friend comes running to you when you call him, you should show him how happy you are and how well he did. Only your effusive praise will make him want to come to you in the future. Once he has arrived, you should give him an irresistible treat as a reward.
  5. Repeat: You should repeat the recall several times on your walks - always with treats as a reward. Your furry friend should know that it is worthwhile coming to you. Otherwise he will eventually give up.
  6. Retrieving from difficult situations: If your pet manages to come back to you reliably in a distraction-free environment, you can start with the next step: recall training in distractions. Only start when you know your four-legged friend well. You should start with distractions that your fur friend can still resist quite well, and slowly increase the level of difficulty. These distractions can be
  • sniffing places that keep your four-legged friend particularly busy,
  • a group of people or children,
  • cyclists,
  • encounters with other dogs or,
  • the king class, be passing game such as deer or rabbits. In such cases, tempting super treats are important.

Our tip: For a reliable recall, it is important to practice for life. If you get a puppy, start recall training when the dog is still a puppy.

Dog does not listen to recall - what to do?

Your recall signal resounds through the forest, but your furry world explorer doesn't come running? Now one thing is important: stay calm. Even if you are understandably annoyed that your pet doesn't listen. But scolding would be a mistake that will make your furry friend less and less likely to listen to your recall and more and more likely to choose distraction.

If your stray does not respond to your recall, pick him up! Go up to him and try to lure him with treats. Three scenarios are now likely:

  • If he now moves in your direction, praise him profusely. Then you can play games with him: The better the games, the better the recall will work in the future.
  • If he does not move towards you, try to swallow your anger. Leash him up and reward him for allowing it. By the way, you can also use a signal like a certain word to leash him.
  • If he runs further away, maybe even out of sight, you should stop, keep calling him so he knows where you are, and wait - even if it's hard. Your dog will come back to the point where he last saw you. In the future, it's best to leash your four-legged friend and go back a few steps in your recall training.

Anna from the We love HUNTER team:

"In the beginning I stressed myself out because I thought the recall had to work every time. In the process, I lost sight of the fun of training. Instead of getting better and better, it got worse and worse. So I went to a dog trainer for help. He calmed me down and told me that a 90 to 95% rate is already very good. Since then, I have taken a more relaxed approach to recall training with my Mia: My darling enjoys it more, likes to come and, above all, comes almost every time I call her!"

Recall in the dog during puberty

When your pet enters puberty, you as a dog owner need strong nerves when it comes to dog training. Changing hormones cause your four-legged friend's body to go into turmoil. It can happen that he "forgets" commands he has learned, such as recall. Suddenly the environment is much more interesting than you and he no longer reacts to your call. Don't worry - it's just a developmental phase! During this time it is important to stay consistent and continue the training. On bad days, just leave him on a leash and only send him outdoors when there is little distraction. Patience, understanding and consistent behaviour will quickly bring your recall training back to success!

Dog recall with distraction

In interesting situations it is difficult for your pet to draw his attention to you. He would much rather play with the other dog or chase the rabbit than run to you - no whistling or calling will help. Do you recognise your fur partner in this? Maybe you were too fast in your training or a plain treat from the bag is not tempting enough for your four-legged friend to turn away from the stimuli. Calmly go over where you took a wrong turn or turned too fast in your recall training and practice the basics again. This way you will get your recall training under control and you can enjoy relaxed rounds in the woods with outdoor access!

Conclusion: In order for your fluffy darling to be fully occupied and to enjoy being allowed to sniff wherever his nose takes him, recall training is indispensable. Because the safety of your and other furry noses, other animals and people is the main focus. If you build up the training slowly, continue it throughout your dog's life and provide the right rewards, you will be able to experience exciting walks. How did the training work for you and your four-legged friend? Were there even situations in which the distraction was too great for your fur friend? We are curious to hear how you mastered these situations and look forward to hearing about your success story.

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