Dog with dog toy

Sustainability is the trend - products for a clear conscience

When an old T-shirt becomes a cleaning rag and a broken tyre becomes a doorstop, we like to talk about recycling. From old to new has another name today: Upcycling.

But what does Upcycling actually mean?

Upcycling is when you turn an old product or disposable material into something new, something unfamiliar and even more valuable.
The word Upcycling is formed from "up" (on) and "recycling" (reuse). A famous example is the production of trendy bags made of plastic, which otherwise pollutes the oceans.

A really exciting topic besides that HUNTER likes to think about. With much motivation the first up- and recycled toy series TIRANA was created.
The small Eco-Warriors are a combination of recycled PET bottles and upcycled wool and provide fun with a clear conscience.

How does it work?

The filling material of these little friends consists of PET bottles, which are collected and shredded. In a special process the whole thing is then converted into plastic fibres which are used for poly filling.

For the outer shell upcycled wool is used. The production of conventional wool consumes enormous resources of water, energy and land due to the sheep breeding and processing of the wool. The subsequent processing, after shearing, requires additional chemicals. Freshly sheared wool has to be cleaned and usually re-dyed. The reuse of wool is therefore absolutely environmentally friendly and conserves resources.
Old wool is collected, carefully sorted into material and colour categories and then shredded. The yarn obtained from this serves as the basis for new fabrics.

Be active and help us to make the environment a little bit better.

Your help is needed

Whether alternative materials, properties or functions - whether dog toys, cribs or food bowls - no matter what: we are looking forward to your opinion and your idea, we will try to realize your inspirations in a nice way.

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