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Freya in Canada's »Winter Wonderland«

Lisa writes:

»A few weeks ago it had snowed a little bit here and there in New Brunswick, but the snow didn't really want to stay there yet. Of course Freya was very happy when it finally snowed thick snowflakes from the sky! The first real snow in Canada - that's quite a special moment. It was even more beautiful, because we were on the road in the Fundy National Park in New Brunswick exactly on this day. Because there Freya could frolic in the snow during a long hike! Because it was really so beautiful we decided to stay another night and the next day we were rewarded with sunshine and fresh snow. It is just fantastic when you put the first paws and footprints in the glittering snow. But after a short time we had to realize that we were not the only ones who were allowed to enjoy the snow - footprints as big as a forearm and a puffing from the bushes quickly made us turn around.«

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