Puppies: Puppy(s) in the basket

A puppy moves in: what should be considered

The time has come: The day of pick-up is set, your little puppy will soon move in with you. What do you have to consider now? You may be overcome by a roller coaster of emotions: between anticipation and uncertainty, between respect for the new task and great motivation to offer your puppy the best start in its new life. Don't let this unsettle you, it's completely normal! After all, it's not every day that a lively puppy joins you.

Now you can take your time to make all the necessary preparations before your puppy moves in. After the first weeks of life in a familiar home, whether at a shelter or a breeder, with his parents and siblings, moving in with you is an enormous adjustment for your cuddly four-legged friend - just as it is for you, because you will now be his new caregiver and your family his new human pack. So that you can start your new life together well prepared, we have compiled the most important tips and information for a relaxed puppy move.

Register dog, insurances and co.

You can't do it without a little bureaucracy - Besides all the creative and exciting preparations, there are also some official To Do's on your list that you shouldn't forget:

  • Conclude dog insurance: There are different insurances for animals. In addition to the mandatory dog liability insurance, there is the possibility to take out a surgery insurance or health insurance for your pet. It is worthwhile to compare different dog insurances so that you can find a suitable and yet inexpensive insurance cover for your pelt nose.
  • Registering a dog: One of your first official acts as a new dog owner is to go to the authorities to register your dog for dog tax. With the registration of your four-legged friend, you will receive the identification tag for your new roommate. To register a dog that falls under the 20/40 rule (heavier than 20 kg or shoulder height over 40 cm), you must also submit a certificate of competence or even provide it in advance. You will receive this certificate after you have successfully passed an examination which shows that you are familiar with your dog, its needs and behavior and are able to react correctly. The certificate of competence can be taken at a veterinarian or the veterinary office. Nowadays, it is even possible to take an online exam with a certified examiner & dog trainer.

Find puppy names

Trixi, Klaus, Benno, Gitty - you can let your imagination run wild when choosing a suitable name for your new family member. Don't make the decision too difficult. It happens quite often that a puppy is renamed in the first weeks, because the name does not fit or seems too complicated in the daily interaction. For the four-legged friends names are not part of their identity, but a kind of signal, to which the expectation is attached that they turn to their mistress or master. This behavior is gradually trained.

Puppies from the breeder usually have a name that follows a strict order according to the breeding regulations. First name: alphabetical order according to the number of litters (1st litter = A), last name: kennel name (name of the kennel). This is recorded in the papers. The call name can of course be changed at will.

Our tip: In the first few days, you should not overwhelm your puppy by teaching him his name, all the impressions and environmental stimuli are too new. Wait until you have the feeling that your pelt-nose has settled in a little.

Preparations before the pickup day

Before the little puppy sees the light of day, there are a few loving steps to make the transition from breeder to new home as gentle as possible. One tip is to leave a blanket or object with the breeder in advance. This item with a familiar scent is placed in the whelping box so that the puppy has something familiar around him on the day of pickup. This helps him to take a piece of his old home with him to the new one and to settle in more quickly.

Another idea is to take the food from the breeder with you or get the same food for home. During this exciting time, the puppy does not have to get used to a new food. By slowly switching to a new food, if desired, the little four-legged friend can arrive stress-free and feel completely at ease in its new home.

Preparations for the pickup day

Whether a short car ride or a train ride lasting several hours awaits you before you move in and makes you a little nervous, the day you bring your new roommate home is a very special one and will be remembered for a long time. Again, good preparation is key: the better you've planned everything (from the appropriate dog crate to adequate breaks), the more relaxed you'll be and the more you'll be able to give your doggy baby peace of mind during the ride home.

Shelter dogs are often required to have collars and safety harnesses.

Preparations in your apartment

A young dog comes into the house, at every corner awaits him a great adventure of smells, impressions and new things. To ensure that there are no dangers lurking during your puppy's discovery tours in its new environment, you should make your home puppy-proof in advance. From secure sockets and stairs (for example, with the help of a child safety grille) to safely laid cables and age-appropriate puppy toys to closed food that poses a health risk to your furry friend: You should take great care to puppy-proof your home. Then you too can enjoy your curious puppy's excursions around the apartment in a relaxed manner.

Preparations in the garden

Not only your home, but also your garden should be puppy-proofed before your puppy is allowed to romp around in it. Poisonous plants, garden decorations that are not securely fixed or a small pond can endanger your lively ball of fur. However, with a few simple steps, the garden can be quickly secured for your puppy. An appropriate fence around the property is also advisable so that your new companion does not get lost.

Puppy first equipment

From puppy harnesses, leashes, and collars to baskets, dog beds, chew toys, and food bowls, there are a few things you'll want to have ready when your puppy first enters your home. Find out what you should think about in our dog first equipment checklist.

Settling in the new home

In the first days and nights with the puppy, in your home, you experience an intensive getting to know each other. Your puppy must first find his way around, overcome the loss of his dog family and build trust with you. Settling in, getting to know each other, playing and cuddling will take a toll on his strength, so he will take numerous naps to process all the impressions. With your loving support and patience, he will soon find his way around and feel comfortable with you. Bear in mind that a dog needs 18 - 20 hours of rest and sleep.

Building a bond with the puppy

In the first days and weeks with you, you lay the decisive foundation for your life together. With affection, attention, patience and understanding you will succeed in building a good relationship with your puppy - the important basis for your educational work and training sessions. Therefore, you should plan a lot of time in the first weeks, which you dedicate exclusively to your puppy.

Our tip: As soon as it's determined when your dog can move in with you, you should submit a vacation (at least two weeks is advisable) so that you can be fully there for your doggie to help him make a smooth transition into his new life.


After birth, a puppy feeds on its mother's milk and receives all the essential nutrients and vitamins for its growth and physical development. Strengthen your puppy's immune system after separation from its mother through a healthy and balanced diet. There are different feeding methods, from commercial feeding in the form of ready-made food to home-cooked food and B.A.R.F. to Prey feeding, where you offer your dog complete prey. Each feeding method has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, inform yourself well about the feeding types and acquire expertise through personal consultation or appropriate reading. Details on the different feeding options, as well as the daily dosage of the meals and what you should consider when changing the food, can be found in our article on puppy nutrition.

Our tip: Offer your puppy chews from time to time. Chewing is a natural need of dogs and gives them pleasure. In addition, nibbling on chews promotes dental health and muscle development of the jaw. When choosing a chew item, make sure it is appropriate for your pet's size and biting strength.


In the first few weeks of life, your puppy will go through many sleep phases. These rest periods are important for him to be able to process everything new and stay healthy.

Therefore, set up a cozy, quiet sleeping place for your dog baby right from the start, where he can rest and feel safe. A soft but sturdy dog bed, which your four-legged friend's little teeth can't harm, is well suited for this. The first nights are best spent together with your puppy. You can read more about this in our article "The first days and nights with a puppy".

Education and socialization

Puppy education and socialization start right from the beginning:

  • Toilet training: Even if you should not start with demanding training sessions, training for housetraining, for example, is part of basic training. Here you can possibly tie in with what your pelt nose has already learned at the breeder. Attention, a positive attitude with plenty of praise and consistent action are the most important skills so that your darling learns not to pee in the apartment. You may also use treats for praise, but make sure that they are suitable puppy treats.
  • Puppy and dog school: Attending a puppy group or dog school is essential, especially for the youngest four-legged friends. Your puppy can romp and play with his peers, learns to get along in a pack and is socialized. In addition, he learns, for example, leash leadership, the most important commands and is playfully accustomed to everyday situations. Retrieving games help your puppy focus only on you and not rush off at every distraction. As a puppy owner, you will learn what is important in puppy training and get to know other dog owners with whom you can exchange ideas.

Before your new friend moves in, visit various training grounds or talk to different dog trainers. Pay particular attention to the proposed training system: the use of choke collars or physical punishment and moderation should not play a role with a serious and competent trainer.

Health and doctor's visit

Your puppy's health is especially important. You should therefore be able to trust the advice of a competent veterinarian - both when it comes to vaccinations and in an emergency.

  • Finding a vet: The choice of a suitable vet for you and your pet is important. Only if you feel comfortable in the practice or clinic, this feeling will be transferred to your four-legged friend. Inquire via internet or in your environment about veterinarians in your area and pay attention to the reviews and evaluation texts. A visit without obligation can confirm your decision.
  • Grooming and hygiene: In addition to nutrition and adequate sleep, your puppy's grooming and hygiene play a crucial role in his health. Regular brushing and combing, checking for ticks after an extended walk and attentive observation are important in puppy care and will gradually become routine for you.

As you can see, there are a few points that you should consider when your new little darling moves in with you. But in return you get a loyal partner at your side, who will give you a lot of joy and challenge you again and again. How to spend the first days stress-free with your puppy you will learn in our following report: The first days and nights with a puppy.

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