Home office with dog - our tips

The Corona pandemic has called many people into the home office. Dog owners now suddenly have more time for their pets, while other people use this time to let a four-legged roommate move in. Our 5 tips for the home office with a dog explain how you can master this unusual everyday situation, train and acclimatise your dog in the home office and prepare it ideally for your return to everyday office life.

During the home office, you have more free time for your furry friend: Among other things, you save the commute and can spend your lunch break in the fresh air and play or exercise with your four-legged friend. While you work with your laptop on the sofa, your darling can snuggle up to you and you can pamper him with little cuddles.

Train to be alone: Leaving the house without a dog

As a pack animal, your four-legged friend enjoys having you around all the time. So that he doesn't get used to your constant presence, leave him alone from time to time during the lockdown and go for a walk with a family member or good friend, go shopping or stroll through the city or a park for a while.

In our report "Dog training and education: Staying alone" you will learn how to train your dog to be alone.

Even in the home office, you should keep fixed times and rituals. As tempting as it may seem to sleep 30 minutes longer, not to take off your sweatpants and to eat according to your appetite: Your dog still needs a clear structure and consistent guidance. This includes the following basic rules:

  • Feed your pet something at the same time every morning
  • Design afternoons with a fixed quality time for your furry friend, where you groom and train commands or play and romp together.
  • Stick to a fixed evening round and feeding time to prepare your four-legged friend for the upcoming night's rest.

Our tip: If you cannot pursue your regular hobby at the moment because of the lockdown, leave the house for this period anyway. This helps your dog to get used to a time rhythm.

Regular training for socialisation and education

Lockdown makes it difficult to socialise your puppy and get it used to new stimuli and different noises. This also applies to an adult four-legged friend who has recently moved into your home, e.g. from a foreign animal shelter or an animal sanctuary. Dog schools are closed and even the adventurous and exciting puppy meetings are cancelled. But you can still help your pelt-nose to discover its environment: Involve friends, family and acquaintances and go for walks together. If one of you is on a bicycle or on roller skates, you can get your pet used to cyclists and the like. On a secured area, a scooter or car could also cross your path and with the help of foils or shopping bags, you can create different noises that you can get your dog used to. You can also get professional advice and information online so that you can successfully train your dog and your pet understands and implements the most important commands.

How to get back into everyday life successfully

Your home office may be limited to a few months due to the pandemic, but your dog will accompany you for 15 years at best. Therefore, start thinking early on about how you can take good care of your pet when your everyday life returns to normal. Perhaps there will be an opportunity after the lockdown to take your four-legged friend into the office with you or to continue to stay in the home office two to three days a week? If you work part-time, it will be easy for your pet to get used to being alone at home for four to six hours. If you work full time, you may have the option to switch to a home office at lunchtime. You can discuss your situation with your employer and see if you can find a solution that works for both of you.

Our tip: Ask around in your family and circle of friends or ask dog walkers and dog sitters about their care models - this way you can do justice to your four-legged friend despite having a full-time job.

Our conclusion: Enjoy the home office with your dog to the fullest and try to maintain a normal daily routine as much as possible. This way you will spend many great hours together between your desk and the park, have a relaxed time together and you can return to your daily work routine stress-free.

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