Time with your pet - 5 tips for relaxation
Treat yourself and your furball to some time out and enjoy pure relaxation together. Not only you will benefit from the relaxing hours, but also your dog or cat will thank you for it. Even in times when stress can arise, you should make sure in advance that your four-legged friend is offered enough compensation. This is the only way for you to feel completely at ease.
1. Create a calm atmosphere
Make your darling really comfortable! You know your four-legged friend best and know how he or she feels:
- What is his favourite corner of the flat?
- Does he have a favourite blanket, a favourite den, a favourite basket?
- What room temperature is comfortable for him?
- Does he like to doze with soft music and the scent of candles?
- What is his favourite food?
All these factors increase the feel-good factor of your four-legged friend and the likelihood that he or she will be able to stay balanced despite the hectic pace of life.

2. Massages and cuddles
Closeness and security give your pet a sense of security. And what could be better than making yourself comfortable on the sofa in uncomfortable weather and celebrating a cuddle hour with your cuddly tiger? Crawling, stroking, brushing (if your four-legged friend finds it pleasant), a dog massage or a sporty, relaxed Doga sequence in front of the fireplace - there are so many ways to be close to your pet and spoil him. Make particularly intensive use of these oases of peace and quiet during this time.
3. Encourage rest phases
Be attentive these days and keep an eye on your four-legged friend. If your pet gets nervous and excited quickly, you will quickly notice this from his behaviour. In such moments, proactively motivate him to take a break and take a rest. Have your dog's or cat's favourite treats ready and reward your four-legged friend as soon as he or she is lying down and ready to take a break. This is a clear signal that resting is the behaviour you want to encourage. Be calm and gentle, take the time for a little cuddling and encourage your faithful companion to rest and relax. It is ideal if you choose the cosy and quiet favourite corner of your favourite in the flat for the relaxation phase. In this way, your pet will associate all pleasant things with its place of relaxation and will also find rest here more quickly at other times (for example on New Year's Eve), because you have already trained him to do so.

4. Lavender, valerian and more for calming
Some plants have a calming effect - not only on us humans. Especially if you know that your pet tends to be nervous or is very sensitive to stress, you can find a remedy with the appropriate remedies. Remember, though, that it usually takes some time for the herbal effect to take full effect. For New Year's Eve, for example, it is advisable to ask your vet about a suitable remedy and the necessary dosage right away. The recommendation varies depending on height, weight, age and temperament.
Special drops of Bach Flowers, which quickly develop their calming effect, may be suitable as an acute aid.
5. Employment and care
Avoid unnecessary stress, especially at the exciting end of the year, such as long walks with your dog between the woods and fields. During such a walk, firecrackers can frighten your dog and scare up wild animals - both are stress factors that can be avoided. How about a little mental work instead? Intelligence games or a feeding game for your dog or a fun board for cats will also keep your pet busy and prevent boredom.
Always be aware: You are your quadruped's safe haven and should be reliable and calm at his side when he needs you. Be attentive and take countermeasures as soon as your four-legged friend shows fear, stress or nervousness. Even if it demands a lot from you: The key to your pet's relaxation lies within yourself. If you remain calm and relaxed and live your everyday life as normally as possible, this behaviour will also be transferred to your four-legged friend.