Wie hund und Katze zusammenleben

»Like dog and cat«? - How living together works well

»Are you a cat person or a dog person?« This question is often the first to be asked among animal lovers and ensures that the person opposite is immediately put into the appropriate drawer unconsciously. You surely know this... Cat people like to be among their own kind just as much as dog people. But wait, there is another »species«: Animal lovers who love dogs and cats equally, especially because of their very different nature. And who simply cannot or do not want to choose »one side«.

Dog and cat in one household - can this work well?

We have talked to experts and »dog and cat owners« with practical experience and in the following we would like to share a few tips and tricks with you, with which living together works out as well as possible and the four-legged friends at best even get to know and appreciate the advantages of the other and make friends. (As far as one can strictly speaking speak of a »true friendship« with two different animal species).

First of all it should be made clear that there is no innate »hostility« between dogs and cats. Primarily it is a natural communication problem that can lead to misunderstandings and can cloud the relationship between the four-legged companions.

However, it is never too late to promote a good relationship between dogs and cats. The more the four-legged friends like each other, the more pleasant it is to live together with the eight paws.

Tips and tricks - Harmonious living together with dog and cat

1. Dog and cat should have a similar nature

In other words: A lively dog and a rest loving house tiger are rather not the absolute dream team. If however both »tick similarly« on the one hand the initial combination of dog and cat as well as the durable living together are clearly easier.

2. Avoid food envy from the very beginning

Even the best friendship ends when it comes to food, as we humans know from ourselves... Feeding dogs and cats at the same or similar times and in separate rooms prevents unnecessary conflicts. Besides it gives the quadrupeds the pleasant security to be able to eat in peace and without anybody lurking. The stomach and intestinal tract of your four-legged friends is also pleased, because hasty gulping down under stress often leads to avoidable digestive problems.

3. Stroking, species-appropriate activity and workload fairly shared

To divide the attention for both pets exactly 50:50 is under normal circumstances hardly possible and also not purposeful. However, each animal should get the necessary and desired attention and be occupied dog- or cat-appropriate. It is particularly practical to occupy oneself as an animal owner somewhat more intensively with the topic of clicker training. Why? Well, clicker training offers almost infinite possibilities to occupy dog and cat. Only the type of tasks and tricks should be adapted accordingly. The conditioning itself works in the same way and every quadruped is happy about treats. For example, if you use dried fish as treats, even both animals can enjoy the same reward.

4. Offer retreat options

No matter how strong the friendship between dog and cat is - sometimes the animals simply need time off from each other. This is completely normal and should not irritate you. These cute Instagram photos of dogs and cats cuddling together in a basket are (unfortunately) rather the exception and should not put you under pressure. Get suitable dog and cat beds, donuts, caves and the like for both four-legged friends. Show the two separately the suitable retreat possibilities, which may be placed gladly widely distributed in your apartment. And then just look at which resting places are often used and which are less. Adjust the position if necessary - another room can do wonders! Do not be surprised: Experience has shown that dogs like to squeeze themselves into tiny cat donuts and throw you a look in passing that is almost pathetic... but also too cute.

5. Patience, patience!

Even if it is sometimes difficult: Being patient and staying relaxed helps! Sometimes it simply »gets stuck« a little between dog and cat, because the one has not understood that the other one does not want to play at all. Or because one of them thinks the other one would start an attack right away, even though he has only stared into the void in a deeply relaxed manner. It should also be considered that dogs and cats also go through phases in their development in which living together with another species is sometimes a little more difficult. In the course of the years, however, dog and cat usually approach each other, accept each other's presence and sometimes even find it entertaining to watch the other one.

Whether thick friendship or rather living together at a distance: You, as the best human friend and confidant of the two four-legged friends, have it in your hands to make sure that all participants feel as comfortable as possible in the life situation and that this is the case for a dog's or cat's life.

You can do it!

Are you also a dog and cat lover at the same time? Feel free to tell us your tips and tricks for living together harmoniously in the comments. We also look forward to your personal experience report (with photos if you like!) via email!

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